Now What?

The following is a reprint of my post for Wreconomic's sister blog: Foreclosure Statistics

OF COURSE the government is going to bail out Wall Street... what are friends for?

OF COURSE the government is going to pork up this bailout with some sort of foreclosure bailout package for homeowners.

OF COURSE this will not work, as NOTHING has worked since day one of this crisis. Why? Because values have not become remotely affordable and lending has contracted. No amount of bailout from anywhere will cause banks to loosen their lending standards to where they once were. As a matter of fact... this will most likely spark a huge sell-off in the Treasury Market, driving interest rates into the stratosphere.

You see.... our country is well past deficit spending... we are now spending our great-grand childrens' money. How can we do that? By borrowing it now. How do we borrow it? The Treasury sells more and more bonds to generate the cash now. As more bonds are generated, the supply swells, the price falls and the yields on those bonds rise. Interest rates rise. It's simple. And they know it. In effect, we will be printing money. They will argue that we aren't... but we are. Now combine falling asset values (housing prices, car prices, goods prices, stock prices) with an increased money supply (selling treasuries like mad to generate the cash to give to banks to buy the bad assets) and a lending contraction and...


Lock up. Freeze. Bust. DEPRESSION. Call it whatever you want, but it ain't gonna get any better. Just how in the HELL is this going to help anyone? Really?

When the median home price is still WELL out of reach of the median income... just how is this going to help? Actually... no one in our pathetic excuse for a government has given us any reason that this will help. All they can say is that this is necessary and preferred over the "alternative." I ask you ... Senator Havalot... what, exactly, IS the alternative? And if that unspoken alternative is the big D word... why is it ALL OF A SUDDEN THE ONLY ALTERNATIVE? Where IN GOD'S NAME WERE YOU FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS WHILE THE WORLD CAUGHT ON FIRE?

HOLY COW, PEOPLE... IT'S TIME FOR A REVOLUTION. Remove the traitors. The Founding Fathers would have.

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