The Day America Woke Up

America opened it's eyes today. Yes, there is a positive side to the rejection of the largest fleecing of the American Citizen in history. While political pundits positioned themselves on either side of the aisle after the "stunning" defeat of this bailout package what was over-looked is...

They listened. Our government heard us. Protests, faxes, emails, phone calls... no amount of begging by the likes of Hank Paulson, George Bush, Ben Bernanke, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd, et. al can change that fact. All the posturing in the world cannot and will not change the fact that we, the people, rose up, shouted, screamed, kicked and wailed "PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS!"

and... Congress blinked. So... bring on Armageddon. Let the apocolypse begin. Because Lord knows, Hank, Ben, G.W. and Nancy all told us it was going to happen if they didn't get to spend our money, so it must be so.

Are our problems solved? Not in the least. Are tough times ahead? Certainly. Will they try to ram another package down our throats? Probably. Will that pass? Who knows, but it shouldn't.

A crack addict has to hit rock bottom to recover. You can't hand him a rock every now and then and expect any change. However... cold turkey, no matter the pain, results in recovery and in recovery he gains strength. Think about it.

Credit is frozen or freezing over. Credit is what got us into this mess in the first place. Cold turkey might be the best thing.

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